mama gaga

age 1: Thriller. my parents are cool enough to expose me to this music. probably dancing with me and my chubby thighs. "mama gaga" is in my limited vocabulary.

age 8: Captain Eo at Disneyland. possibly my first 3D movie. I think my little sister peed her pants while sitting on my dad's lap :)

(you tube has the full movie too)

age 10: must have been my first mtv experience because I remember seeing Remember the Time at my grandma's house during summer break over and over again

age 11: my friend Jill and I learn to play Will You Be There from Free Willy on her piano one summer. I can still sing along to every "yea-ah" and "car-ry"

age 13: I spend a chunk of my limited babysitting earnings on HIStory: Past, Present and Future (I think my sister still has disc 2)

age 19: I hear of this person some of my friends know at college named Derek and that he dressed up as old Michael Jackson for a Halloween party, complete with the grab/twist/hat tip/on your toes move. I am intrigued. Later married.

age 26: bought our house and inherit an outdoor cat which we name Brown Kitty. she has kittens (name changes to Brown Mama Kitty) Derek names his scaredy cat Ichabod. I name my white-gloved one Michael Jackson

age 27: Lily's walking past the tv on which I am watching American Idol and hears Seacrest announce a Michael Jackson song. she stops to laugh at the silliness of our cat having a song

now I am in search of just the right stencil to make Max a mama gaga onesie

homemade pretties

no tutorial needed really. glue the pieces together. here's where I purchsed some of my supplies.

flower clip supplies:

craft flowers (though not papery ones)
flower middles (buttons work quite nicely)
alligator hair clips
hot glue

(those polka dot fabric
ones are slightly more involved. tutorial maybe?)

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ring supplies:

adjustable rings
e6000 jewelry glue
paper-backed glass pebbles

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carefully composed photographs

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In all my photo taking for other people it seemed that we rarely set things up to photograph them in their homes. It's such a natural place for kids to be that I was kind of surprised and wonder if perhaps the reason is that they think they are going to end up with lovely pictures of their kids in a pile of laundry with a grocery list and a vacuum for a backdrop.

I just about always photograph my own kids at home (with not only that stuff but also dirty dishes, boxes from Amazon and never ending paint project cans all over the place) and I think the magic trick photographer people learn is simply to slide stuff out of the way.

So today I wanted to show my nice newly painted toy room wall.

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But it seemed a slight bit unauthentic without the in-process octogenarian wood floor project, mondo pile of magically scooted over stuff and other two neglected walls. There you go.

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And then my sewing spot with the quilt that stares me in the face longing for a backside just looked pretty.

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shave and a...


Lily says he looks 'hamsome'

I agree.



vintage colorful grandma chic?

what would you call this style? I'm not so sure but I am sure that it makes me happy looking at it. like make a pink-polka-dot cup of tea and cozy up with some Billy Collins or maybe just watch Ned & Chuck one last time happy (oh how I love Ned & Chuck). and lucky me....sometimes looking at it from within because it's my sister's apartment! isn't she bright and oh so creative? :)
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did you enjoy your little tour? well then go paint your cupboards pink! what's stopping you? go on now.