let's make a deal

i'll start blogging again with improved regularity if you don't mention how long it's been or how random my topics will be or complain when i go all the way back to thanksgiving since that's how long it's been since i had anything to do with the pictures on my camera really. deal? deal.

and if i figure out how to run photoshop and blogger again we'll be back in business.


  1. Happy Birthday Max!

  2. What a cutie! happy Birthday Max!
    Blog away ...!

  3. Is he seriously ONE!? dude. love the lighting, love the tie, but most of all, loved the chat today! apparently, I'm in love!

  4. What a little cutie! Makes me happy to have a little boy!

  5. deal. Wanna meet me in San Francisco in April for a two-day workshop with Beth Jansen?

  6. Dude, I WANT to know what you've been up to since Thanksgiving! We're all busy during the holidays. I can't believe Max is a year old already! Happy Birthday!
