action tricks

I've just gotta tell someone


love it. you can switch back just as easily to edit your actions and rearrange them and load them and things.

and the next one
you know you can alter your keyboard shortcuts
or add shortcuts to things that don't have them?

I wanted a shortcut for flattening an image
with actions and all the layers that come with them
you might be flattening quite a bit

ctl-e merges just fine and dandy but sometimes you just want it plain flat

here's how to change it:

edit > keyboard shortcuts
shortcuts for: palette menus (this is a drop-down menu)
Layers (click the triangle so it points down and shows you the choices)
Flatten Image (keep looking down, then click it)
F12 (that's just what I chose to be the keyboard shortcut)
accept it
OK it
try it

1 comment:

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