santa gets no love

in the middle of december I contracted the worst-flu-ever-yuck. I think it was the zombie flu. also anyone else way not into it when people blog all their icky symptoms and sickly details? me neither but the point in telling you that was that during this time came go-see-Santa-at-the-church-party time. recognizing how important this part of Christmas was, my helpful husband took the kids and even took some pictures. and he did great because these are all within about 8 seconds.


at this point I imagine he was doing his hold-still-and-maybe-you'll-go-away-thing. hyphen hyphen. one variety of his tantrums these days involves holding very still, opening his fingers to drop whatever he's holding, then laying face down on the floor in silence with his arms by his sides. good thing he can't see us laughing at him.

luckily Lily was in thoughtful-Lily-mode that day and told Santa that her little brudder liked cars and trucks.


thanksgiving, yep I'm posting it in the end of January

it was in November.
it was at my house.
it was fun and it was cute.
it was freaking deliciouso.
it made me thankful for my family and my home and my life.
and now since it's only TEN months away I don't have to be all "oh I'm so sad that Thanksgiving isn't for a WHOLE nother year because I'm posting this so soon afterwards and how am I possibly going to wait that long?"
come to think of it, I think I'm going to have end-of-winter Thanksgiving too.






top ten posts I will probably get to sooner rather than later

Beth always brings me back from the land of almost-not-caring-about-blogging-ever-again


1. Rachel said e-mealz are super and they kind of are. we eat them. (use code dave)
2. I haven't used shampoo since Thanksgiving
3. Maximo=dos
4. and the sequel: my adventures in fondant
5. now that it's time to put together my 2010 blog book I remembered I should share my other ones
6. the pile of preschooler ideas I collected from my kinderkamp days
7. Thanksgiving pictures, ha ha
8. my kids are still cuter than your kids (Adam, yes they are)
9. the great toilet adventure a.k.a. when Max threw stuff in there and Caiti and I became plumbers
and 10. why do you think my kids are so afraid of Santa
