1. I MADE this. like bought the wood (with kids in tow). cut it. screw/glued it together. made it.
2. at lunchtime we were at our friends' telling them about my dreams to make this table. that evening they came to dinner and it was sitting there (though not painted yet....come on)
3. our small-town lumber store did not have 1x3 boards. they looked at me like I was crazy. but they always look at moms like they're crazy in there. grrrrr.
4. I switched the 1x3s to 1x4s and only had to figure out one remeasurement because of the substitutions
5. sanded beautifully. spray painted (guess which sparkly princess chose the color). didn't bother filling in the countersunk screws. lots of poly.
you should do it too. the feeling afterwards is one of immense pride. but not like 'I'm better than you pride'. more like 'I'm better than I thought I was and you should try this too' pride.
and then have lots of picnics.
my plans were from Ana White of Knock-Off Wood
wonderful wonderful. I will be back for more.