when the mood strikes

i appreciate friends that let me go for it when we show up for a new baby visit and i decide that i like their giant windows and stripey shirts and so they should let me take some pictures.

then today i'm editing them quickly and just as i'm about to picture text her a fourth message saying 'look at this one too' i decided switching to blog style might be easier.

the last one is my fav-a-favorite. i love family pictures that somehow manage to squeeze the whole family into a nice little rectangle while still allowing them to be their crazy running-around tending to the kiddies selves. nice sentence, allie. you know what i mean.

also the laying on the floor ones turned out cute even though dad never had his eyes open. you're welcome for sharing them with the internet.

natalie, you are the cutest mom ever to your beautiful boys.

the ball-throwing one is for you, b.


one of my photos popped up on sparklepower and i realized i should reveal the "after" to the intergoogle.

we painted. and switched out a light. it still needs a little help up top but i need a part and just put it up anyway.

i promise the rest of my kitchen isn't so blindingly bright and matchy. this little wall is tucked around the corner so i can handle it this way because we don't look at it all the time. i decorate like a 5-year-old.

also don't be jealous of my sparkly countertops.

also my neighbor brought me some cupcakes the other day and didn't even announce that there was pure total sugary magic on the inside. the rainbow cakes you've seen around the web for a while are all the more wonderful when they're a surprise.


but mostly just the california adventure parade.

for me it was like the unicorn-kitty-butterfly sparkly whipped cream and cherry on top of a wonderful family trip.